Are you an unpaid carer in North Tyneside?
Balancing caring for someone with work can often be a real challenge, you may feel overwhelmed trying to juggle your caring role with your job. Or you may be unable to get paid employment, continue your education or training, or volunteer due to your caring responsibilities.
The project provides friendly and specialised support for unpaid carers aged 16 + to find a job, maintain employment, advance in their careers, or return to work. Working for Carers also supports carers to access education, training and volunteering opportunities.
Their friendly advisers can provide tailored and specialist support to help you:
- Find paid work, training, education, or volunteering opportunities.
- Build confidence and aspirations.
- Prepare CVs, university applications, interview skills.
- Access benefits and legal advice.
- And much more…
Do you want support from the Working for Carers project? Get in touch…
Supporting Carers in Work – Home (
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre, Floor 2, Wallsend Customer First Centre, NE28 8JR
Working with Employers
Over 600 people leave work every day due to difficulties balancing their caring role and employment, carers are impacted emotionally and financially, and therefore employers lose skilled and experienced employees.
The Working for Carers project offers FREE, bespoke advice and support to employers in North Tyneside to help you:
- Identify employees who are carers through training and briefing sessions.
- Develop, implement and review carer friendly policies.
- Recognise your employment responsibilities with a key focus on the Carer’s Leave Act and Flexible Working Act.
- Signpost carers to our advisers to help them maintain employment with you.
- Create a carer friendly workplace.
For more information, contact…
Fiona Richardson
North Tyneside Carers’ Centre, Newcastle Carers, and Carers Northumberland have partnered to deliver the Working for Carers project. This project is funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, with the North East Combined Authority as the lead authority.